Different ways you can get rid of rust with the use of some simple materials & how to replace a rusty tire rim, if it cannot be salvaged.
A mileage expense tracker within your trip log
A mileage expense tracker offers an easy way to keep records of every trip accurately & consistently, reducing unnecessary expenses in a trice.
How does the balanced scorecard work?
Measuring business performance is essential to viability and growth. The balanced scorecard is one of the most popular tools to do it!
Find out why your malfunction indicator light (MIL) is on
The malfunction indicator light indicates that something, somehow, is off. It may be minor, but you can never know, until you have it checked.
New and updated Free plan in Veturilo
We’ve got a new and updated Free plan. You can test-drive the feature set of the Veturilo Fleet Management service, complete with sample data!
How to schedule for fleet preventive maintenance
Fleet managers need a preventive maintenance schedule to maintain fleet vehicles in perfect condition and ensure safe, efficient operations.
6 features in a vehicle management system, you’ll need
As a fleet owner, to be agile, you need fleet-related metrics. A vehicle management system is the most valuable source of metrics & insights.
Give your fleet drivers advanced driver training lessons
Fleet owners! Your business depends on your fleet drivers. Ensuring they receive advanced driving training lessons makes for a safer fleet.
2 ways to achieve fleet route optimization
Fleet route optimization: Managers need to juggle driver schedules and vehicle availability, with time-efficient multi-stop route planning.
Keep drivers motivated with driver scorecard challenges
Risky driving behaviors are not that uncommon in fleets. What can a fleet manager do to improve driver safety and keep drivers motivated?